Monday, March 10, 2014

Last hurrah!

Last night, it started to snow (again!). In order to keep myself sane, I have decided that the next 2 or so weeks will bring the last hurrah of winter and then it will be over. My story and I am sticking to it ;)
Today we are also back to the routine of school/work. I have to say it was a bit difficult to get out of the house this morning. Now, I have finished teaching for the day and, while I wait for my office hours to start, I will treat myself to some online newspaper reading and maybe a far off trip on Google Maps... maybe I will even pick somewhere warm ;)
A good day to all!
Snow in Montreal
My path to work
Last hurrah!


  1. Google is always good for at "vacation" and I to use i a lot. :-)
    I can imagine that it wasn't easy to get all finished an off for school and work, but now the everyday life started :-)

    1. While I like the breaks, I also like the routine. Maybe I am strange but I actually really like my job ;)

      I like to check out different cities on Google Maps- it is kind of fun and a nice break to the day!
