Saturday, April 13, 2019

New and improved....

I am talking about my eyes!

Yesterday, I had laser surgery done to correct my vision (both near and far). It is less than 24 hours after the procedure and I can see! Reading small script is still blurry but everything, otherwise, is all good. I have to put a million kinds of drops in my eyes and wear sunglasses when I am outside but that is totally reasonable... especially since one of the reasons that I got it done was so that I could wear sunglasses outside. I can now be on my computer again, watch TV, drive and do things around the house. By the end of the week, I can play soccer again (with eye protection) and not have to wear sunglasses, if I don't want to.

I will keep you up to date on the progression, if you were ever thinking of having laser surgery done.

PS: If you have any questions, feel free to ask! "See" you later... haha... couldn't resist ;)

Happy Saturday to you all xox

23 hours post procedure... I can see!

1 hour post procedure

Just before going in... wishing that I had taken them up on their offer of a valium ;) Bet you are jealous of my hat ;)

The night before...


  1. How good that you dared it and it all went well!
    I love glasses a lot!

  2. Vildt du turde få det foretaget. Og skønt det har været så effektivt.
    Jeg har selv brugt briller siden jeg var 8 år. Bygningsfejl og øjnenes samarbejde var den vigtigste del, i dag er der så kommet langsynet og "gammelmandssyn" glidende overgang er kommet til, behovet er øget med alderen.
    Ønsker dig og dine et par dejlige påskedage, altså dem der er tilbage.
    Glæder mig til juni. Efter pinse, helt præcis dagen efter.
    Fandt lige forbi bloggen her en dejlig søndag morgen.
