Friday, August 29, 2014

Last day at the pool...

Today was the last day at the pool. Really, it feels like the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. I have to admit that I was not at the pool to witness it because I really had to catch up at work for the start of teaching (first thing on Tuesday... argh!) but I know that the boys are sad to see this summer go. They had a great time... and I did too!

Can you tell that Nicka lost both of his top front teeth? ;)

Wishing you all a very happy weekend :)


  1. Love those smiles without teeth :-)
    I to are a bit sad that the summer are ending and autumn i starting to morrow. :-(

    1. Hehe! Nicka reminds me a bit of a little vampire ;) I really like autumn but am absolutely dreading winter!! Hope you didn't get any flooding, with all the rain in DK yesterday!

  2. They are looking good in blue!
    I want the summer to last as well.

    1. Let's decide to keep summer around all year!! I am sure that we could start a pro-summer movement! ;)
