Friday, March 2, 2018


This past week was a stupid week... you know the kind that starts off with a crappy Monday morning and keeps getting more and more annoying. Considering this coming week is our March break, maybe it is a kind of test? One last punch from February? A few times this past week I started to write a blog post about some crap thing but, before I even had the chance to write about it, another one happened. It is not that they were something totally critical... just enough to get under my skin.. So, I heartfully say TGIF... and on to bigger and better!

Wishing you all a happy Friday! Here are some small moments that didn't keep the last week from being 100% crap... just 99% crap ;) Maybe I should bubble wrap myself for my soccer game tomorrow ;)



  1. De dage/uger kommer der af og til. Forhindringer der skal overvindes, nedbrydes.
    Dejligt at møde nogle dejlige stunder trods førnævnte, de kan kompensere, og give en håndsrækning til at se den anden vej.
    Tak, og dejlig søndag til dig og dine.

    1. Tak for besøget! God søndag til dig og din xox
