Monday, March 7, 2016

Bye, bye Spring Break... :(

Today is Monday and we are officially back to the routine. It was a good holiday and I really enjoyed spending time with the boys. Work-wise, I wasn't as productive as I wanted to be but, heck, deep inside I kind of expected that ;) The weather is supposed to get warmer this week (between 0 and 10 degrees C) so, maybe, that will help with the ease back into things. The boys were not so excited to be going back to school today but, once they see their friends, I am sure that will change.

Wishing you all a happy Monday! xox


  1. Good luck renewing the routine!
    Spring is on the way X

    1. Thanks! I am SO looking forward to spring!! Appreciate the hope xox

  2. Hope you enjoyed the wacation a bit extra, and it seamed that you ll had a ball. :-)

    1. It was fun... especially that I didn't have to deal with lunches and homework ;) Ha' en god aften xox
