Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fancy date night

Last night, Andreas and I went out on a date night... Making it even more special was that it was also for a good cause :) We went to the Friends for the Cure gala, which is always so well done and, rightfully, well attended! The food is simply amazing and our table company made the evening awesome... We even got to dress up and attempt to look like adults ;)

PS: Thanks must also go out to our new babysitter... we love her!

PPS: Thanks to the man who bid way above where I would have bid on that fancy coffee maker at the silent auction. Your big bid kept me from spending a bunch of money that I didn't really have (insert note: it was really an awesome coffee maker... and it was red.... just like my kitchen.... and I loved it.... but that man saved my dilemma) ;) Darn silent auctions ;)


  1. The last picture says enough; this was what you needed!
    I see all adults!
    Overhere the birds sing again and at some point once it's really going to be spring!

    1. I know... crazy.... a place with real, live ADULTS ;)
      I will have to live through you for some spring at this point... we are not getting any breaks this winter :(

  2. Wup, what an evening and I especially love the ladt photo. Love love love. :-)

    1. Tusind tak! It is one of the few photos where we both have our eyes open and are not making funny faces ;)
