Thursday, May 28, 2020

Guest blogger

Yesterday evening after dinner, Oliver and I decided to go out for a walk. Surprisingly, Nicka also decided to come along. Normally, Nicka prefers to play basketball in front of our house so having him join us was really nice (for me... Oliver didn't think it was so great... I think Nicka came along to bug him 😉... life with boys 😉). Anyway, to keep the peace, I offered Oliver my phone to take pictures. He really enjoyed it and wanted me to post his pictures here. So, introducing my guest blogger: Oliver!

Oliver really got into the sun lines ;)


  1. He rely has an eye for it. You should get him a small camera. ��

    1. He has a phone with a good camera. I will encourage it on more walks :)

  2. Jeg tænker som Catarina. Wow - et stor High five til Oliver.
