Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Reflections on a pandemic

This whole Coronavirus pandemic is really abstract: this is not one neighbourhood that is affected, nor is it limited to one city or country. It is the whole world. Wow. It is also incomprehensible as to how fast it took hold. One day, I was listening to a BBC report about some virus in distant China and, poof, a few weeks later, the world is shut down. On March 1, I had a plane ticket and plans to see family/friends/work in England and head over to Amsterdam for a conference (departure March 13, return March 22) . By March 6, that conference was postponed indefinitely. After having a discussion with my travel agent on March 10, I decided that I was still leaving to keep my family/friends/work plans in England and Amsterdam. It was not a controversial decision at the time. After all, my ticket was not refundable and I really wanted to go. Some of my colleagues said that they had cancelled their conference plans... others said that they would still go. Andreas encouraged me to enjoy my trip. During the night between March 11 and 12, I heard a report on the radio that Trump was closing the borders to international flights. When I woke up, I told Andreas about my fears about not being able to get back home again. After an initial "come on, your are going", he understood my concerns. A few hours later, my flight was cancelled (with the absolute support of my travel agent who had intended to call me that morning anyway... and a full ticket refund) and I sadly told my family/friends/work that I could no longer go. At that moment, I felt that maybe it was a rushed decision, a bit paranoid... maybe I was being silly. By the next day (March 13... the day that I was supposed to leave), countries started shutting down one by one... My university posted travel advisories and shut down clinical access to all those coming back from international travel. The boys' school closed... and then so did Andreas'... then mine... I no longer felt silly.

Little did we know that day that by May 12 (2 months after my trip was cancelled), we would still be isolating at home.... still no school... work from home... all meetings and classes online. Little did I know that having a "drink with friends" would mean logging onto Zoom. I online shop... for masks. Laboratory hygiene would be required for grocery shopping, as would line ups. Following footprints and arrows on the floor would be almost "normal" and expected behaviour. Social distancing is common knowledge. After biting my tongue so that I would not say "go play with your friends" to the boys, it no longer comes out of my mouth (although I think it regularly). I do not use cash, nor do I need to fill up our gas tank because we don't go anywhere. Take out is the only restaurant experience that is possible. Having a latte at Starbucks involved following footprints and standing at the front door... waiting for my turn... putting my debit card in a plastic box, witnessing someone else tap for me, retrieving my bill, card and coffee from the same plastic box (that was dutifully wiped down before and after me) and handing one of the coffees to Andreas when I got back to the car while I removed my mask and sanitized my hands... and almost finding this normal. All this within 2 months... No one knows what will happen in the next 2 months... no one dares to guess...

Why am I writing all this? Honestly, beats me. I guess I need some sort of reflection. Some sort of WTF?!? Maybe, when I flip through my blog pages on May 12, 2021, I will think: wow... that was messed up. Hopefully, I will then be complaining again about making school lunches and our busy schedule, taking the boys from activity to activity. Right now, as much as I value the time with my family because I am fully aware that, as the boys get older, they will no longer want to hang out with us, I also miss our day to day. Our old day to day.

Sending love to you all xox

The view... from home.


  1. I can really follow you. It’s wild that something - a illness- from so far away, suddenly is something that infect us and our day to day life. I to miss my normal life, and I can’t complain now where we are opening up, and haven’t been totally locked down. I also think that what was befor is not coming back. If an when we get a vaccine, there will still be some things we will do different, and if not, I’m sure that another form of a global sickness will come. I know it’s sounds silly, but I think we all need to rethink the way we think about the globe, and not within our own borders 😊

    1. I totally agree that this experience will change how we think about things, how we see life. Hope to see you again soon! Love to you and your boys. Hope Søren is feeling better xox

  2. I wrote it before, if this had been the subject of a book I wouldn't read it and wondered which sick person came up with something like that! I hope we get our lifes back someway, XxX

    1. It sounds like something a child would have made up for a make believe story. Coming to visit you again will be high on my "return to life" list. Take care, my friend xox

  3. Jeg kan godt forstå dine tanker - Når de i 2120 ser 100 år tilbage, vil denne Pandami være en ting der bliver set tilbage på, måske vil de tænke hvor skødesløse vi har været med hygiejne og hvor meget vi har krammet, kropskontakt til fremmede mennesker. Og samtidig manglen på værnemidler, hvordan/hvorfor har de forskellige lande ikke selv haft lagrer egen produktion.
    De seneste 2½ mdr. har lært os meget.
    For kort tid siden fik vi bedsteforældre lov til at at kramme og kysse vore børnebørn igen. Selv samme dag hentede jeg Frida i børnehaven, hun løb hen til mig, kom op i mit favn, et stort kram og et kæmpe "vådt" kys lige på munden. Se de store blå øjne stråle af glæde. Vi er i familie. Derfor er det tilladt. Men jeg havde jo også sprittet af inden jeg kom ind i børnehaven.
    Det værste er - jeg har det meget svært med sprit - mine luftveje er temmelig ramt - det går når jeg er ude - men indendørs. Har nitrilhandsker da jeg ikke kan tåle "gummi" "latex" - dem bruger jeg flittig. Desværre er de svære at få fat i som privatpersoner, som tidligere nævnt - manglen på værnemidler.
    Det blev også et langt og rodet svar. - Mine tanker er hos alle dem jeg holder af, hvor de end er i den store verden. Krydser fingre for dem jeg kender kommer helskinnet om på den anden side. Og 2021 bliver genrejsnings året, dog med erfaringen i bagagen. Og med muligheden for du og jeg igen kan give hinanden et kram.
