Saturday, November 19, 2016

Toilet troubles

I live in a household with 3 boys... and a husband... so, actually, that equals 4 boys. I also live in a household where my toilet smells like an alleyway after a beer festival, if you catch my analogy. Yes, it smells like pee. Actually, it is not the toilet that smells like pee but it is the porcelain base around it, and the floor, that reek. Guess what? It makes me crazy. I have a sensitive sense of smell and it drives me nuts. Actually, I could be missing a nose and still smell it. So, every day, I become crazy pee-on-floor cleaning lady.. or ranting crazy-pee-on-floor cleaning lady.... Maybe you are asking why this is so.... it is BECAUSE I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO SITS DOWN!!!!

Anyway, after 10 years of our poor toilet absorbing pee smell, I had enough. When Andreas asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I broke down and asked for a new toilet. Seriously. I wanted a toilet that had no nooks and crannies underneath it. I wanted one that was easy to keep clean. I wanted one that was new... and with a big bowl... preferably with a target painted in it. The last part is a joke but you know what I mean. He refused to buy it for me for Christmas but did not argue when I went out and bought one anyway. I guess he understood my frustration but was also probably sick of hearing me rant. Anyway, yesterday, our new toilet was installed. The plumber called it the "Cadillac of toilets".. seriously. I don't care about that... I just want something that does not smell! I was hoping that the "Cadillac" came with its own cleaner but, alas, no. So, we are back to a clean toilet.... with a big bowl.. and I am still debating painting the target on the inside of the bowl ;)

Happy Saturday! xox

See- clean... and smell free :) Please note the easy to clean base!

Welcome to the family ;)


  1. You need a painted fly in the bowl to help focus properly. It seems to help a lot.
    By the way, I know what you mean ;-)
    Your weekend will smell good anyway, X

    1. Haha! Thanks for the tip! ;) Happy weekend... may it smell like roses ;)

  2. Kunne ikke lade være med at finde en artikel fra jeg læste i jan 2016,
    Da jeg læste den tænkte jeg nemlig på hvorfor jeg aldrig har haft denne kamp med toiletsædet, der var 3 piger en dreng, min ex og jeg.

    1. That article was perfect! Tusind tak ;) You were lucky to keep a clean toilet ;)

  3. Hi hi, I still remember those times ;-)

    1. Haha! Glad to hear that you are no longer experiencing them ;)

  4. Altså alle fire drenge slash mænd sidder ned hjemme hos os. Det er et stort plus! Mand er opdraget til det hjemmefra, og jeg tænker, at mine drenge på et tidspunkt gør lykke på den konto hos hunkønnet....
    Fantastisk med et rent toilet!!

    1. I have to get the boys to adopt sitting! I have no idea why the standing thing is considered "manly"... ugh! Good for your boys :)
