Today seems like there has been a real turnover: yesterday, both Alexander and Nicklas finished their football season.... we turned the clock back... the tree outside our house lost most of its leaves because of yesterday's windstorm and it just really felt like impending winter. All of these events were completely expected but I can still feel hibernation coming on ;) My way to deal with it was making soup and pumpkin spice bread... the cure all ;)
Hope you all had a great Sunday! Wishing you a calm week ahead xox
November er noget helt specielt. Det er her alt lukker ned af de udendørs aktiviteter der ikke har med is, sne, regn og rusk at gøre :-) - Lyset er kun meget begrænset, og tiden til indendørssysler bliver igen taget op. Lige om lidt banker juleforberedelserne på.