Thursday, November 29, 2018

Another Oliver-ism

Oliver is the type of kid who says whatever comes to his mind... no filter..... which I like to blame Andreas for 😉 When Oliver gets a thought into his head, he gets really preoccupied with it (again, I blame Andreas 😉) and then finally blurts out whatever he was thinking about. This time, he must have heard something on the news about pepper spray because he has definitely been giving it some thought.

The other night, Andreas found Oliver with his face close to a piece of pepper that he was trying to break into two. When Andreas asked what he was doing, Oliver said that he didn't know what the big deal about pepper spray was. He has just tried it on his own face and it wasn't so bad.... just a little wet but definitely not dangerous 😉 Maybe he will move onto cucumber spray next ;)

Hope you all had a good Thursday! It is almost weekend time again! xox

Oliver with his pepper spray ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hvor er det dejligt med børn der fordyber sig i det de "voksne" taler om, forsøger at forstå det.
    Jeg bruger et udtryk "Sandheden får du af børn og fulde folk"
