Friday, December 28, 2018

"No Clue"

Firstly, I have to emphasize that this is NOT a complaint because I am actually enjoying it but it has become the "No Clue" part of the holiday. You know what I mean...the part of the holiday where you have absolutely no idea what time of the day it is or what day it is or if you should actually be doing something or if your kids have been wearing the same pajamas for 2 days or 3 or if left over Christmas cookies can be considered breakfast or a better lunch 😉 Thank goodness for my agenda! I know that it is the 28th.... I have to wash my hair today.... I have to buy groceries.... and we have friends coming over for dinner this evening... oh yeah... it is also laundry day 😉

Happy "No Clue"!


  1. That’s a very good side effect of holidays ;-) Enjoy the rest of your time of X

    1. It is disorienting... but enjoyable. Hope you get some too ;) xox

  2. Det er noget af det bedste ved disse dage her mellem jul og nytår.
    HÃ¥ber du/i bare nyder at nyde.

  3. Hi hi, thats exactly how I'm feeling - keep asking Søren what day it is.

    1. Haha! I keep my agenda open on my worktable ;) I just have to stop looking at how many days we have left.. it gets depressing ;) xox
