Friday morning, Alexander asked if he could go to get his hair cut. He had decided that it was getting too long and wanted to do something about it. So, in a very logical way, he explained the situation to me and asked for help.
It sounds like not much of a big deal, right? For me, though, it was one of many steps in Alexander growing up. He has a definite character, sense of humour, sense of priorities, sense of fun, sense of himself that might just differ from mine.... and that is fine. Alexander will be turning 11 in a few weeks. He is in his last year of elementary school. He is on the verge of puberty. He is on the edge of becoming a man. Sometimes I can still see the baby that he once was... but lately, that image is less clear. In turn, though, I am enjoying the person that he is developing into. The one that I am very proud of....
In a way, because he is my first born, I feel that we are on a bit of an adventure together. He was my early experiences as a parent- the ones that are the most intense. Alexander welcomed 2 brothers into the family, and lived the change in our dynamics from a family of 3 to 5... and, thankfully, survived relatively unscathed ;) Don't get me wrong: I love my 3 boys equally but there is a special place in a mother's heart for her first.
Happy growing up, buddy xox
Before the haircut |
The "after" shot ;) |
Just, because, sometimes I like to remember :) |