Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy 2022!

Dear 2022,

I have big hopes for you... hopes that you will be nice and boring... and somewhat normal. I had hopes for 2021 and that didn't quite work out. We were fooled for a while but ended back in 2020 mode before the year end. 

2022, can we agree to start on a bad foot, with the promise that we will finally get out of this? Thanks, I knew that you would get it....

Happy New Year 💖

1 comment:

  1. Godt Nytår til dig og dine.

    Jeg er optimist, jeg vælger at se udfordringerne frem for frygten. Så glæder mig til 2022.

    Ved godt det er noget lettere for en introvert af tænke sådan. Prøver bare lige at sprede lidt smil, glæde og var varme tanker i din retning.
