Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Another 10 random facts

1) I am coming to terms with being the kids' social life scheduler... even during pandemic times, their agendas are more full than mine ;)

2) One more thing to include in "strange things to happen in 2020": our garden is producing the smallest tomatoes but the largest zucchini that I have ever seen.

3) Our neighbourhood is being overrun by crabgrass. Another plague...

4) I ordered the brightest orange slides ever and I love them.

5) I have come to the conclusion that I will make a good retired person.

6) I honestly gave up on mascara.

7) I have a re-occurring dream where I have to run to catch the train, despite the fact that I haven't been on a train since March 12... the day I bought a month pass and the day before the universities shut down #themostexpensivetriphome

8) Our neighbourhood is also overrun by Japanese Beetles. Another plague...

9) Now that I have to look up at 2 out of my 3 sons, it amazes me that I actually gave birth to them.

10) I am hoping that my favourite coffee shop downtown will still be there when I have to go back into work again.


  1. Jeg drømmer tit, jeg er med en bus der ikke vil stoppe før den er i Skagen, og chaufføren vil ikke give mig ren besked. Jeg har aldrig nogen mobil med og kan ikke fortælle nogen hvor jeg er, og at jeg kommer for sent :p
    Jeg er også meget sjældent med bus og kommer aldrig for sent.

    1. Haha! Sometimes I wonder where our dreams come from ;) I am a little worried about some of mine ;) xox

  2. Love your garden and the fact you're a real human ;-)
