Friday, June 26, 2020

Postcards from a Pandemic: the birthday edition

Yesterday was my 50th birthday... I know, I can't believe it either 😉 I have never liked a lot of fuss on my birthday so a pandemic version suited me fine... Some of my dear friends stopped by my house during the day with very thoughtful gifts, which allowed me to have some time with each of them (except one... sorry that I missed you!).
Late afternoon, Andreas and I went downtown with our close friends (the W family parents) for a beautiful walk, appetizers at an oyster bar and dinner at a Portuguese restaurant. Good vibes, good wines, good food and good friends... I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the day. Downtown Montreal is still pretty quiet and the restaurants have only just opened... we could tell that everyone was still very respectful, yet appreciative of a bit of normal.

Here is the Montreal photo spam... birthday edition. As Andreas kindly reminded me yesterday, I am halfway to getting my birthday message from the Queen ;) Umm... thanks for that thought ;) Hope you all enjoy the view! xox


I actually shared ;)

Biggest oysters I have ever seen... happiness in a shell ;)

Happy birthday to me! ;)


  1. Replies
    1. It was! Wish you could have been along for the dinner xox

  2. I sounds like a really lovely birthday— and even under lockdown. Once again congratulations �� Celena ����❤️

    1. Thank you! It made it worth turning 50 ;) xox

  3. God vin, gode venner og god mad - bedre bliver der ikke! Tillykke :)

    1. Tusind tak! Du har ret ... det bliver ikke bedre! xox
