Monday, February 8, 2016

Les hiboux pt. 3

Guess who.... hoo-hoo! Oliver's owl friends from kindergarten class made a surprise guest appearance this evening. Over the Christmas holidays, Oliver got his very own owl. His name is Owl-iver. Seriously, that was the name that came on the tag. How could I resist that one? ;) So, all the owls got to meet each other and have tacos with us. After dinner they all had cosy time on the couch, watching Harry Potter. It was a good thing that the movie contained a lot of action because, in that case, the owls couldn't hear Oliver's mother stressing out about the big brothers' homework ;)

It is always a pleasure to host La Famille Hibou xox

(PS: Owliver is on the top left hand side. He blends right into the family ;) )

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