Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hope from a fortune cookie

This weekend, I found this message in my fortune cookie and I am hoping that it refers to my sanity ;) Doubtful but can't blame me for wishing it was so ;)

Hope you are all doing well. Sorry for the blog silence but we have been submersed in football land... not me... the boys ;) xox


  1. Så sød en "hilsen".
    "Intet nyt er godt nyt"
    Det ordsprog gav mine forældre mig med, det følger mig til det modsatte er bevist.
    God fornøjelse med fodbold og leve livet.

    1. Tusind tak, Karin <3 Yours is a good one to always remember! We like excitement but it is not always a good thing ;) Hope you and your sweet family is doing well xox

  2. I love fortune cookies!
    Don’t forget the me-time, X

  3. Me too! Some of them are so funny! Life has been pretty hectic lately.. trying to keep it in perspective... Hope you are doing well! Miss you xox
