Normally, I am not a big fan of Halloween. Ever since the boys were really small, Halloween always meant rushing home from work, getting stuck in traffic because everyone else was also rushing home from work, having someone suddenly not like their costume anymore, having to find last minute costume replacements, having to fight with boys because they never wanted to cover up their costumes with jackets... even when it was snowing, having 1/3 boys decide that they had enough trick or treating RIGHT NOW and having to put very sugar high boys to bed because there was ALWAYS school the next day. This scenario does not include the fighting over who had which candies and who got the best stash ;) In other words, Halloween was always wine-worthy when the boys were finally asleep ;) Ah! The good old days ;)
This year, surprise surprise, Halloween is happening but only within our house... movies have been planned and candies have been purchased. The sugar rush will still happen but 2020 style... and it will still be wine worthy ;)
Happy Halloween!