Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, Monday

On Friday, we got a lot of snow (see my comments on it here). You would think that Mother Nature is tired of making the white stuff but- alas, no- she must have been resting up and drinking her Red Bull. We woke up today to another good white dump... right in time for rush hour ;) Also, I played in a soccer tournament this weekend so my legs were not so enthusiastic about trudging into work (imagine wearing heavy boots while walking in sand... same thing) πŸ˜‰ I cheated and took the metro so it cut my walk in half... best money ever spent πŸ˜‰

Yes, it is pretty but only when you don't have to go anywhere πŸ˜‰

Happy Monday to you all xox

Even the crow seemed confused by all the snow ;)

Is that a snowbank... or a car? ;)

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