Thursday, January 16, 2020

Random thoughts on a Thursday

Some random thoughts on a Thursday... plus a bonus photo spam because I have been bad at posting lately!

1) My dishes regularly disappear and they magically reappear in Alexander's room. No one seems to know how they got there 😉

2) We just booked our plane tickets for 2.5 weeks in Spain this summer. This might just keep me going over the winter.

3) I am trying to cut down my sugar intake. This means I am not very fun to be around lately 😉

4) One of my students brought Marabou chocolate back from Sweden for me. See #3 😉

5) I don't care enough about cutting down my caffeine intake to actually try that one.

6) Even though I had laser surgery a few months ago, I still try to adjust my non existent glasses.

7) Speaking of no longer wearing glasses, I am so unbelievably happy to go through a winter without my glasses fogging up when I come indoors from the cold.

8) I am seriously fantasizing about being able to wear sandals again! My boots, although lifesavers in the winter, are so heavy! At least it feels like a workout 😉

9) Oliver's favourite expression lately is "Jesus Christ!". He says it a lot. Not really sure where that one came from.

10) I am often amazed at how Andreas' sense of humour genes have appeared in Nicklas. Well preserved and maybe even improved in the next generation. I think even Andreas is in awe sometimes 😉

Wishing you all a happy rest of the week! May it be fast and easy 😉xox

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