Do you remember that Oliver got a gecko for his birthday? His name is Camo and he is really cute. If you didn't read about it yet, you can get caught up on the story
Anyway, just thought that I would give you an update on life with a gecko in the house: The gecko itself is really cute. He has grown a lot and likes to peak his head out of his little "cave". He is, indeed, much more lively than our hermit crabs (that wasn't really hard, though) and, although he doesn't really like being picked up, he tolerates it. I say "he" but we don't really know for sure. Also, when we got him, the pet store person wasn't sure if Camo was a regular sized or giant gecko... we are starting to realize we hit the jackpot (?!?) with the giant version ;)
Oliver started off being a very responsible gecko feeder. Unfortunately, one of the crickets jumped on him and it freaked him out so now Andreas and I have taken over the task. At one point, I would have considered trying to eat cricket based food as an alternative protein source (yes, for me... they even sell it at Provigo) but I have solidly changed my mind ;) Actually, speaking of the crickets, they are much more work than the actual gecko. It has become pretty routine in the house to pick up errant crickets from the floor or to hear them chirping from behind the radiators. They make me think that we are in a permanent state of camping... and you know how much I love camping ;) Anyway, I have to change their cricket house way more often than the gecko itself.... and they need special food and water and things where they can hide under and.... anyway, you get the idea... gecko = little work.... crickets = a ton of work ;) I am starting to wonder if geckos like take out instead ;)
Anyway, here is a little Camo photo spam. Maybe he can start selling insurance soon ;) xox
"Hurry up and take the picture!" |
Camo |
Camo is almost more hyper than Oliver is ;) |
Our cricket colony (and yes, they are in a plastic container and not just hanging out on our table top!) |
Nice Camo thrives.
ReplyDeleteNever think I'm going to be a Gekko fan, it scribbles and scribbles 🤣
He is actually much cuter than I had expected... Definitely a bigger fan of the gecko than the crickets ;) xox
DeleteHaha, jeg ville heller ikke være helt stolt med de græssopper der. Edderkopper mv. gør mig intet, men at nappe sådan en sprælende, levende en til direkte slagtning, puuh :P Det ville jeg heller ikke magte, tror jeg. Godt, der er en modig i flokken ;)
ReplyDeleteIt takes some getting used to because I am not a bug fan either ;) I just have to not think about it ;) Have a good day xox