This morning, Nicklas left for a 3 day/2 night trip to a winter camp with his grade 5 class. This trip, which has been going on for years and years, is a kind of ritual or rite of passage for the children at our school and they remember it fondly for years after. Even last night, Alexander was giving his younger brother tips about the camp, obviously having really enjoyed his experience. Most of his advice was based on the food served, some about the rooms and the rest about the winter sports and activities... you know, the important stuff ;) We spent the evening packing up his gear; I got the clothing/supplies together and Nicklas, very seriously, checked off each item as they went into the backpack.
As much as it is always strange when the boys are not at home, I am excited for Nicklas and hoping he has the time of his life! Have fun, my love!! xox
Wishing you all a great day! Especially the teachers who are taking children on such a great adventure!
All excited to go! |
the same procedure as every year. Og hvilken gentagelse. Dejligt for børnene at have med som minde/bagage.