Yesterday, Andreas left for 2 weeks of work (??) in Copenhagen. Am I jealous? No, not at all. I am happy to be at home with the kids, just enjoying our regular day to day... AND IF YOU BELIEVE THAT I HAVE A BRIDGE TO SELL TO YOU!!! Better believe I am jealous ;) It is not that I would prefer to be away from the boys but, heck, it was 8 degrees C when Andreas landed in CPH (yes, it was the first thing that he said when we Skyped earlier today. Skyped? Is that a word?). Anyway, he was warmer weather... he has good black lakrids (liquorice) whenever he wants. He has my favourite kind of pizza. He has 2 weeks of being able to read in bed and enjoy quiet breakfasts. He gets to drink Schweps Lemon. He gets to walk the streets that I love people watching on. He gets to drink good Tuborg beer. He gets to bike. He gets to go to my favourite clothing store (although he probably would not appreciate it at all!). Oh yeah- he also gets to visit with MY friends (By the way, Ola, if you read this, I will be giving Andreas your email address ;)
Today, I cleaned the house. Drove boys to soccer and basketball. Drove another boy to a play date. Folded laundry. Wrote out permission slips and cheques for seemingly thousands of upcoming field trips. I did part of the homework shift (the rest is still coming). Took the dogs out for a walk. Bought some emergency new boots for Nicka because I noticed his were falling apart and he needed proper ones for one of said upcoming field trips. Started preparing dinner...
He better be bringing me something nice ;)
Happy week ahead! xox
Just to rub it in: no snow... at all! |
This is just torture ;) |
Hjemve er tilladt <3