Monday, May 18, 2020

Postcards from a Pandemic

When I walk to work, I like to take pictures. Most of the time, they are not of anything special... just bits of Montreal.  Usually, these are my postcards to you all. Little things that I find interesting or that catch my eye. Anyway, it was been 2 months now where I have not walked my usual walk so, on my now somewhat regular "trying-to-balance-out-my-making-dinner-glass-of-wine" walk, I took these random pictures (making Andreas crazy for stopping every few minutes). We like to pick some nearby neighbourhoods so today you get Ste Anne de Bellevue and Senneville and my first round of postcards from a pandemic. From me... to you... with love xox


  1. I really love your postcards and all the one you show now, is spring and almost summer like 😊

    1. Tusind tak! It is about time our weather warms up. We are supposed to reach 27C on Friday! I cannot wait ;) xox

    2. Wooo, that sounds wonderful Celena. Enjoy ��

  2. Tusind tak for dine dejlige postcard. Det at benytte øjnene og "skyde" øjeblikket, det er så skønt. Så skidt pyt med pauserne på turen :-)
    Masser af varme tanker til dig.
