One of the reasons why I keep this blog is to be able to revisit various points in the life of our family. When I started it in January 2014, Oliver was 3, Nicka was turning 7 and Alexander had just turned 9. A lot has happened since then and the boys have grown out/are growing out of their "little boy" years. This definitely makes blogging about them a bit more difficult because, instead of cute conversations, now I am often greeted with grunts and eye rolls (they still love me though 😉). The son that has transformed the most, in my opinion, has been Alexander. He has gone from a small boy into a young man..... a young man who leaves dishes in his bedroom.... who has football shoes so stinky that they can be used as a lethal weapon... who does not care what clothes he puts on for school... who thinks washing hair is grossly overrated... who thinks a full meal at McDonald's should be considered a light snack... who enjoys the fact that he now is a good head taller than me... who still, on occasion, comes up to me for a hug and a cuddle.
Random quote from the internet that is so perfect |
A light snack ;) |
A rare moment where he allows me to take a photo ;) |
Hair washing is for the weak :)
ReplyDeleteApparently, so is deodorant ;) xox
DeleteTeenager er så vidunderlige.
ReplyDeleteMor er så pinlig
Mor er så irriterende
Mor er så nysgerrig
Jeg kunne fortsætte, dog er det mor der kan hjælpe når det gør ondt hos teenageren. For mors kærlighed er alt overskyggende.
En ting der generede min søn vildt meget var mine små post it. Blandt andet på spejlet på badeværelset.
"Husk at lukke for vandet"
"Husk vi er flere i hustanden der skal til"
"Et brusebad tager max 5 minutter"
Mor til 3 piger og 1 dreng, så har jeg lært at teenagedrenge bruger længere tid på badeværelset end teenagepiger.
Velkommen til en ny tid som drengemor.
It seen to be in the genes of (young) men, the compleet misunderstanding in termen of hygiene.