Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Postcards from Montreal

Today, it is 6C and the snow is melting... I know that we will, most likely, have another good snowstorm or two but, in the mean time, I am enjoying the breath of spring. People are walking in the streets with their shoulders back and a smile on their face. It is almost like Montrealers finally realize that they just might have survived another winter... and that deserves some sort of self love and happiness ;)

Hope you enjoy the pics! No fingers were subjected to cold wind during the picture taking process ;)


  1. Dejligt at sneen smelter, der er jo heller ikke mange dage til kalenderen skriver forår.
    Vi skal forøvrigt til at have heldagsfrost og nattemperaturer ned under minus 10 grader fra weekenden. Dog kan jeg ikke se de lover sne hvor jeg bor. Nu vil jeg hellere have forår.

    1. Ahhh! Det er sååååå dejligt! Jeg håber, at foråret kommer til Danmark snart! God weekend xox
