Yesterday was a kind of Murphy's Law day: Andreas had to go to work for a few hours so he left with our "back up" car. The plan was that I would, while he was gone, get ready and head out to Ikea when Andreas got home. About 20 minutes after he left, Alexander answered the phone for me. It was Andreas, insisting to talk to me... Oh oh... that didn't sound like good news! I took the phone, only to find out that our old car had died on the highway in a dramatic "all lights flickering on the dashboard, with loss of breaks and steering kind of way". Luckily, Andreas managed to get off the highway and onto the service road. Frantically calling roadside assistance, I had a bad feeling that we would end up buying more than a small carpet and set of dishes from Ikea ;)
Anyway, 3 hours later, we had almost $400 in our pockets from the scrap yard and a signed contract for a new (well... new to us) car. I will show the pictures when we get it next week....
Welcome back to the post-holiday reality ;) xox
Our final few minutes with the car... |
This experience was total boy cool ;) |
Bye bye, Mazda! |
Congratulations on the new car. It will be great when it can be brought home.
ReplyDeleteYes, it will be good! Juggling the boys' schedules with one car is a challenge ;) xox